Our telemarketing and email marketing campaigns take your prospects on a journey from Awareness to Interest, to Desire to buy, to Action.


The different phases a prospect goes through are in B2B Marketing identified as follows:

Many business owners and suppliers, who start an email marketing or telemarketing campaign expect that leads generated through these campaigns are more or less ready to buy. This is often not the case.

However, this is not something to worry about. Telemarketing and email marketing are very different tools from for example advertising in a magazine or on a billboard along the motorway. These latter methods are methods to raise awareness of your brand. They often generate very few leads, but the leads they generate are often people who are ready to buy. These leads probably had already heard about your company elsewhere, went online to find out more about you or heard about you from a trusted source. They did their own due diligence in their own time in the background, before contacting you.

With telemarketing and email marketing the approach is very different. You are now contacting people who probably haven’t heard about you before. This means that during the first call they are just being made aware of your company. There is still a lot of trust and interest to be created, before these leads will be ready to buy.

These prospects are on a journey to familiarise themselves with your company and this journey takes time.

It’s important to recognise where the prospect is in their journey, otherwise as a supplier you will be on a very different wavelength in the conversation compared to your prospect.

Before the prospect is ready to buy, he or she would like to find out the following:

  • Can I trust you?
  • Will you either solve a problem I have? Or do you offer additional value to my company?
  • Will I receive value for money?

The above Sales Funnel shows that just because a prospect is showing a level of interest, this does not mean necessarily that they are ready to buy yet. As a supplier it is important to provide sufficient information for the prospect to not just understand what you do, but to also understand how this can add value to their business.

Some examples of tools that can be used for your B2B Marketing Campaigns that will help your prospects through their journey from Awareness to Interest and to Desire to Buy:

At eDivert we recognise that your prospects need to be taken through this. Our Telemarketing and Email Marketing Campaigns are based on the above principles. We happily work with you to integrate our campaigns with what you already have in place and with what you are already doing. 

It is important to understand that the most successful telemarketing and email marketing campaigns consists of a combination of these tools; the supplier will need a strategy in place to ensure the follow up and taking the prospects through the decision-making journey is happening in a pro-active way.

We are happy to discuss in more detail how our campaigns can work in conjunction with your existing tools and strategies to ensure maximum results.


The Importance of Quality Contact Data:

Without high-quality data, you can’t create successful marketing campaigns that will help you to win more sales. Instead, you expend time and resources walking the wrong paths. For instance, you’re setting yourself up for failure if you’re attempting to connect with someone that has no interest in your product or service; or if you’re trying to contact data that is old.

All our campaigns include quality contact data from one of our TOP-RATED data providers. To ensure that we are targeting the right businesses to achieve the objectives of your campaign, you will be taken through a Target Market Analysis during the initial Strategy Meeting.

We recommend that data for any campaign is completely fresh. Data that has been purchased in the past 3 months gives the best results.


Messages are more effective when repeated

Frequency breeds familiarity, and familiarity breeds trust.


When talking about how many times and how often a potential customer needs to see or hear about your business before buying, we use terms like Effective Frequency or Touch points.

If you search the internet for ‘effective frequency’ there are many conflicting articles. Some say you need to ‘make contact with’ or ‘touch’ your desired audience three times, others say you should follow the ‘Rule of 7’ or even aim for 15 touch points – the truth is, there isn’t a number set in stone as to how many times you need to contact a prospective customer.

In fact it depends completely on the circumstances and many factors are involved. As a rule of thumb you could say, the number of touch points to create tends to be lower for low value products and higher for high value products. When we speak about products by the way, this also includes services. However, if the customer has a very low budget, then low value products can take longer to move than if you are selling to a customer with a bigger budget. At the same time, if you are trying to sell to big corporates, they will have the budget, but their decision process can be long and complicated. While the decision process in an SME business can be much quicker. Other factors are, whether you are selling to consumers or to businesses, general economic circumstances and whether or not you are approaching your target market via the communication channels where they are most easily reached. Let’s look at the possible effect of an email marketing campaign.

With today’s hectic lifestyles everyone’s inboxes are continually bleeping with new emails – if your message is clear and concise then your prospect will look at it – but this first time they will look and think ‘What is it?’ and that’s probably as far as it will go – however, you have already sparked a small amount of interest.

The second time they receive your email they will think ‘What of it?’ – again their interest has been sparked.

The third time they receive your email they have already thought “What is it?” and “What of it” and so now it is a clear reminder of you and what you are selling.

At this point, the people who believe one only needs to ‘touch’ prospective customers three times say that you can stop contacting these people and if, and when, they need your product they will remember you and make contact.  However, in today’s market there are probably many people selling the same or a similar product as you.  You don’t want to be the person who thinks “I’ve made contact 3 times, they will come to me when they need me”.  You want to be fresh in their minds. If they didn’t require your product at the time of making contact, they will receive countless amounts of marketing material from other similar companies in the months to follow. You don’t want your prospects to go with anyone else – you want them to have you in the forefront of their minds when their situation changes and they realise they need you.

With this in mind, it is important to continue to make regular contact. From your first marketing campaign you may make contact with a certain number of people who need your product right at that moment, and that is fantastic! However, there will be a larger number of people who are interested in your product but for whom it is not the right time to purchase. These are the people to continue to contact and create touch points for, through different marketing efforts. When it is the right day for them, your frequent clear concise marketing material will hit the spot and a potential customer converts.


So, what are the different ways to create “touch points”?

There are many ways you can do this, and below we have just named a few:

  • Email marketing – This is a great way to get your name out there. See below under the “8-second rule” to get some tips for a successful email marketing campaign.
  • Telemarketing – Follow up your amazing email with a polite telephone call. Just confirm they have received the email and if there is anything they require? Don’t push them. You want them to remember you for all the right reasons
  • Social Media – Get out there! Share your marketing mailshot and blog on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. You don’t need to use all social media platforms. It is important to assess where your target market is likely to be active and focus on those platforms.
  • Business Networking – Go to network events, tell people what you do. The people you meet may not have a need for your product, but they may know someone that does. If you attend meetings on a regular basis in the same area or organised by the same company, you will often see the same people. Gradually you will get to know each other and over time people will start talking about you.
  • Google AdWord Campaign – always great to be at the top of the list when people are searching – they will see your name and remember your email, phone call etc.
  • Advertising – Magazines and public places are ideal to reach consumers. But even if you sell business to business, an ad in a trade magazine may offer a great touch point.
  • Face-to-face meeting – It is worth meeting up with those who show a genuine interest in your product. A face-to-face meeting does not always necessarily end up in a sale, but it gives you prospective customer a chance to get to know you on a more personal level, which is great for creating trust and giving a more


All of the above are great ways to create ‘touch points’ for your desired audience. It is worth putting a marketing strategy in place and create a total of 8 to 15 touch points to target your audience, because remember the statement at the top of this blog “Frequency breeds familiarity, and familiarity breeds trust.”


At eDivert, we offer E-mail Marketing, Telemarketing and Social Media Management. Our services help businesses to automate their marketing process and have a regular influx of leads. If you have any questions or are thinking about starting a new marketing campaign, feel free to contact us at or check out our website for more information.


Implementing a Telemarketing Campaign is not always an easy process. A failed marketing campaign can set your company back financially, tarnish your reputation, and have a negative effect on your brand image. It’s easy to go wrong, make mistakes, and end up with results that are wildly different from your goals. There are however two crucial parts to any campaign which will always decide on failure or success: how well you understand your audience and how good you are at transmitting your message.

Let’s look at the most obvious mistakes that outbound campaigns encounter – and how to fix them quickly:


  1. A Marketing Strategy…? Do I need one?

We believe a marketing strategy is far more important to small businesses than marketing tactics. It is an explanation of how you are going to reach your set goals. When you are discussing strategies for your marketing campaign, make sure you are always keeping your customers’ needs in the context of your current marketing strategy. This extends to more than just reaching the audience on the right platform. Failing to develop a marketing plan can result in budget problems, low conversion volume and, in a worst-case scenario, the closure of a business. Setting the right goals and establishing the right expectations are crucial for an outbound telemarketing program to succeed.


  1. Anyone can use my service, really…

Think about the audience you are trying to reach. At the start of every campaign, we discuss with our customers who they are looking to target. Too often the answer is that any company can be their customer, any size, any industry. Daring to narrow this down, can be tricky, but it is absolutely essential for any marketing campaign, including telemarketing. There are at least 5.4 million registered companies in the UK, spread out over more than 200 different industries. Knowing that may help you realise that your target market really needs defining. Where does the sweet spot lie for your company? Who is your best customer, in terms of enjoying working with them, a healthy profit, great terms of the contract for both sides. The more specific and focussed your campaign is, the more successful it will be.

  1. Marketing is expensive, let’s buy cheap, bulk data

Telemarketing works best when it begins with quality data. You only want to spend your time and energy on those companies that are genuinely likely to need your services. Before you even start your campaign, consider investing in a data list that has been matched to your particular profile – in terms of location, turnover, sector and so on. Not every call that gets made as part of an outbound telemarketing program will produce the desired action, but every call is an opportunity to collect valuable data. This data can be used to develop a better understanding of the market, improve strategy and make the type of adjustments that are required to turn an underperforming program into a performing program (see below). Make sure you collect all the valuable information which can turn a not so successful campaign into a better performing one.

See our previous blog for more information about telemarketing data at the link below.


  1. I don’t need a brief or a script, let’s wing it

Telemarketing services rely solely on the communication between two people. A consistent marketing message is therefore essential and a script allows you to include your key points that resonate particularly well with your market. Having the right materials in front of you is going to help to be organised and handle any objections effectively. Ensure you make a plan and you know the product or service you are selling. Then learn the script by heart and practice to play around with it. Every person you call will respond differently and you will need to be prepared to handle the initial objection and lead the conversation. There is no point in writing a long script that you are going to read out; this will only confuse you and your prospect. Last, but not least, it is important to make your script inspiring and get your prospect excited about the solutions that your service or product can offer them.


  1. Let’s just push these calls out today – it’s all about volume

Doing the same thing over and over and not getting results means only one thing: that you can call the whole list and you will not get results. Try to recognise where you are going wrong and immediately try a different approach to get the desired result. Adjustments can dramatically improve campaign performance. Your message and content should speak directly to their needs and interests. Making sure the brief and script are ready from day one and ensuring that the person making the calls fully understands the brief, is one of the best ways to ensure that the campaign will be successful.


  1. Let’s tell my telemarketer that I always convert 9 out of 10 prospects into a face-to-face appointment – that will motivate him to do well

Established businesses are aware of how hard it can be to get the attention of new prospects. Start-up and young businesses on the other hand often set themselves unrealistic goals. At eDivert we love working with new and young businesses. They are usually super-enthusiastic about what they are selling, which helps us to create an exciting script to work from. However, their expectations are often a little too high of what can be achieved and how fast results can be achieved. It’s worth knowing that not every call that gets made as part of an outbound telemarketing campaign will produce the desired action, but every call can lead to some new data or an understanding for adjustment. It is about growing a pipeline of leads to follow up with in the future, nurturing your leads and over time converting these leads into customers. Setting the right goals and establishing the right expectations are crucial if an outbound telemarketing campaign is to succeed.


  1. My leads will call me when they are ready to buy

If your sales team is not following up, the marketing campaign efforts may not have much effect. It’s very important to maintain communication with your potential customers. Follow-ups turn leads into sales and can ultimately make or break the success of your campaign, so set up a time in your diary for second, third, fourth and even fifth calls. You don’t want to harass your leads every day, so either judge what would be a good time to call them back or even better, ask them when is a good time to call them back. Sometimes the last call brings the desired result. It is also important to follow-up after the sale is completed. A quick telephone call after your product or service has been delivered to ensure your customer is happy with the result, will help future sales. You can easily differentiate yourself from your competition by making the effort to follow-up with your prospects and customers. Don’t take it for granted that they will call you. Be proactive and contact them.


Even if you’ve made some mistakes, don’t worry too much! You can recover from a failed marketing campaign, you just need to take time to review the previous campaign, recognize the errors you made, and learn from the mistakes. In the future, keeping these common mistakes in mind can help your company avoid advertising failures and allow you to create marketing campaigns that produce the exciting results!


At eDivert, we love working on your B2B Telemarketing. Our team of delightful and talented telemarketers are fully trained to generate amazing results for your company. Need to boost your sales? Contact us today for further details on: 01628 637 900 or e-mail us on


Is Telemarketing for you?

Telephone marketing can help you to promote your products or services, build your customer database, generate leads and appointments, stay in touch with existing customers or generate new ones. It can fulfill a vital role in the marketing of your business.

As a business you can manage your outbound calls and telemarketing activities in-house. However, this is a time-consuming task for your sales staff or your sales team may be overqualified to do the leg work. For this reason, you may want to consider to outsource your telemarketing activities.


The top benefits of Telemarketing for any business:

– Telemarketing enables a business to talk to real people which means direct contact with (prospective) clients.

– A great way to follow up on your email marketing campaign and target in particular those who have opened your emails.

– A cost-efficient way to book telephone and face-to-face business appointments.

– The only advertising tool which provides immediate results.

– Helps to expand a business through higher sales.


What are you looking to achieve?

It’s is important to set out from the onset what you are trying to achieve in terms of quality and quantity of a telemarketing campaign. You may want to achieve a set number of telephone appointments or face-to-face appointments per week. And you may know in advance that you only want to target businesses with more than 20 employees in a certain industry. When you meet up with a telemarketing company to discuss you requirements, they will usually ask these questions in order to prepare a detailed instruction. This will not only help you get the most from your outsourced telemarketing campaign, but it will also help the telemarketing company to get the relevant information that are specific to your requirements.




Choosing the right telephone marketing company

A great telemarketing company is hard to find, but the right one can positively impact your sales revenue and lead generation efforts. Look out for companies who match the requirements you have set out for your campaign, who have experience in telemarketing in general, but who are also familiar with the industry what your business is in. You’re choosing people who will represent your company to the outside world and who will be the first point of contact with potential customers. It’s therefore vital that the service you choose is not only cost effective but lives up to the standards your company sets and fits in with your work ethic.

Make sure you call more than one and take this opportunity to listen to their expertise and services. Take note of their approach to you and their interest to your campaign. A professional telemarketing agency can help you bring new business in the door while protecting your brand image and reputation.


What to consider to help you to identify the right telemarketing company for your business:


  1. Expertise:

It is essential to the success of a targeted telephone marketing campaign and can provide reassurance if you know that they have dealt with other clients within your industry.


  1. Quote & Fees:

Are you paying a fixed amount per campaign, an hourly rate or for a set number of calls? Some telemarketing companies also charge a setup fee to cover administration and training costs.


  1. Work ethic:

The general work ethic of the firm will directly affect your campaign. Make sure that the company follows legal and ethical telemarketing practice (this should be stated in the contract) including confidentiality around your campaign strategy and information obtained through your campaign.


  1. Data:

There are usually three options:

aThe telemarketing company purchases a database on your behalf – ensure that it’s written in the contract that the database and all subsequent information gathered belongs to you.


bThe telemarketing company offers you their own database – It depends if you are paying by results only or by the hour. Paying by results only entitles you to the information relating to any appointments created and paid by you. If paying by the hour you may be sharing the results with the telemarketing company.


cThe telephone marketing company uses your database – If you already have a good and up-to-date database it may be worth to work from this data. Especially if you have contacted the data already in the past, by email or post.



  1. Reporting

Will the telemarketing company provide in-depth reports on what they’ve been doing and what results they’ve obtained? This is crucial for planning future campaigns and working out return on investment.


  1. Meet and greet.

We always think it is a good idea to meet face to face, if you can, to make a further assessment. Arrange to meet them at your premises to help them get a good understanding of the culture of your organization. If you invite their representative over to meet you, at least they can take a little look inside your business and act more like they work for you. It can be equally beneficial to check out their environment from which they will be working from.


Assessing the above criteria for any given telemarketing company does require effort. Take on the advice above and you’ll soon be enjoying the satisfaction of an expanding customer base, greater client retention and a growing revenue. Choosing the right company can mean the difference between success and failure of your marketing and lead generation efforts. Meet with several companies before choosing which one suits the personality of your business and the goals of your campaign.



What to look out for and questions to ask when you enquire:

– Does the company have a good reputation in the industry?

– How many clients do they have?

–  Do you charge an hourly rate or is your pricing based on performance?

– Do they offer guarantees?

– Does the telemarketing company have superior phone staff with good communication and sales skills?

– Does the telemarketing company offer free script development?

– Could the telemarketing company give an indication of the sorts of results you should expect following the campaign?

– Does the telemarketing company have any previous relevant experience or case studies?

– Can the telemarketing company handle any size (big or small) inbound or outbound telemarketing program?

– Do they have the appropriate technology in place to handle my campaign?

– How regularly will I get an update?

– Does the telemarketing company guarantee confidentiality when it comes to your customer lists, marketing strategies, and leads?



To sum up before engaging any Telemarketing company, it is important to know what you want; it is a good idea to prepare a short brief. People buy from people, so assess how your enquiry is dealt with when you approach the supplier. Have a look at their track record and ask for client testimonials. Assess their core values to see if they match those of your company. Ensure that they have systems in place that will enable timely communication with your company.

A good telemarketing company should demonstrate professionalism, enthusiasm, honesty and integrity. We hope this article has helped you to decide if telemarketing is something that could help you grow your business. At eDivert, we specialize in B2B Telemarketing. Please click here to find out more. Our team of talented telemarketers are fully trained to make the best out of every call. Need to boost your sales? Contact us today for further details on: 01628 637 900 or e-mail us on .


The success of your telemarketing campaign is highly dependent on the quality of data you call. Enhance your telemarketing campaign results by using freshly verified call centre leads. The foundation of a successful telemarketing campaign is valid, accurate data: a low-quality database will lead to equally low-quality results.


You want to see the best return on your investment in telemarketing, and to do that you have to know that your data is as good as it can be. You want potential customers who need, want and are likely to buy your product/service.  In addition, you also want to be sure your data is as up to date as possible to avoid wasted calls. Here are some tips where do you source your list of prospects for your campaign.


First let’s specify the differences between good and bad data:

Good data:

– data that is consistent, any data written to the database must be valid according to all defined rules

– data profiled on your existing clients

– data what has been recently updated which means it’s clean.

Bad data:

– old data: people have moved on and they are not available any longer

– missing or inaccurate fields within the data

– data that has been sold many times


Ideally, your data should at least exist of the following items:

– first name

– surname

– job title

– job role

– company

– phone number

– date of first call

– comments and important notes


Additionally, you may want to include the following information fields:

  • Email address
  • Address and/or postcode, geographical area
  • Turnover band
  • Number of employees
  • Number of years of trading
  • Industry


1.Have your own database.

Your own data is always going to be the best from a telemarketing viewpoint. This is partly because data lists that are bought in have been bought by other companies as well. The contacts on those data lists may have been used by other Telemarketers. Therefore, keeping and maintaining your own CRM (customer relationship management) database, is a fundamental step, and the investment will pay off over time in increased conversion rates and improved quality of appointments.


2.Search on Google.

Google is the number one search engine in the world so you can definitely expect to find potential prospects to do new business with and best of all, at no cost.  However, the one downside to using this source is that it can be very time consuming as you need to manually click through and check each link separately to sort through them and in the long run this could end up taking more time than you have available.


3.Use Business directory

Business directories are one of the second best search engines when it comes to data for telemarketing. There are so many different business directories out there, some good and some bad. The benefit of using any list is that it is already pre-sorted and categorised. However, not all companies are featured on these databases. You sometimes need to search a bit more to get the full range of data you’re looking for. You also can’t always be sure of the age of the data you find on these directories and if it is up to date, which means you are wasting your time if numbers are dead or incorrect.


4.Buying data

To get a valid and accurate list of data find a professional list provider who can research and deliver you a list tailoring your specific business needs. You must do your research in order to avoid re-sellers, simply regurgitating old data. For us, we have found purchasing data from a reliable, quality provider has proven time and time again to be the best value for money, giving you the best results in any email- and telemarketing campaign.


How to keep your B2B telemarketing data clean?

It’s a fact that people move jobs or their circumstances changes. In addition, companies move premises, get taken over and change names. It’s essential to keep your list fresh. There are a number of ways to manage this:

  1. Train everyone who has access to your CRM to use it in a consistent way and teach staff that keeping data up to date is important.
  2. Ensure that when you import refreshed data, it’s in exactly the same format as your existing database.
  3. Don’t buy in data from external sources and expect to use it immediately. It may need some re-formatting before uploading to your existing database.
  4. Keep an audit trail of changes, so that you can track any bad data input and correct it.


To get the best ROI in B2B Telemarketing you need to consider so many different aspects from data quality and profiling to the actual telemarketing script and call reporting. Telemarketing is complex but if you do it right you get a good ROI from your campaigns, and you will generate quality B2B leads.


If you wish to find out more about how to set up a telemarketing campaign and the best techniques to generate more leads, please click here.


At eDivert, we specialise in B2B telemarketing. Please click here to find out more. Our team of talented telemarketers are fully trained to make the best out of every call. Need to boost your sales? Contact us today for further details on: 01628 637 900 or e-mail us on


When it comes to Lead Generation, there are a number of factors to consider in order to get actual results. However, generating leads isn’t easy and trying to acquire leads in the B2B space makes it all that much more difficult. Before you can start to acquire business leads and turn them into customers, you’ll need to come up with an effective, brand-consistent strategy. This is important because your efforts should actually generate sales, not just leads. In this blog we will tell you how to build a good strategy to boost your ROI.


Elements of a good Lead Generation or Telemarketing Plan


List of data – In order for any campaign to be successful the most important starting point is a good, reliable list of data which is key to your campaign. You can segment your calling group by geographic location, industry, company size, credit status etc. The more you know about your prospects, the more specific you can be with your targeting. There are many companies from which you can buy data. Some are more expensive than others. The reason being that more expensive data is likely to be more up-to-date and therefore of a higher quality.

When you buy data, don’t hesitate to ask your supplier how often they check contacts, email addresses and phone numbers on the data they sell.

Once you start calling your data, it is important to be persistent and make any gatekeepers your friend, so that you can build a rapport and eventually get through to the person you need. Don’t let yourself get fobbed off too easily, but at the same time, always stay courteous and respectful. Don’t forget to collect new contact names when prospects have left the company.


Telemarketing goals – The most common objective of a telemarketing campaign is to find more leads and drive more sales. For different campaigns, this will mean different things. You may want to invite your prospects to a free informative or networking event that you are organising. If you are selling a newly developed product or service, you may want to entice prospects by giving some of it away for free. Alternatively, you can simply check if companies are content with their current supplier and if they are not, arrange a telephone appointment or a physical appointment to tell them about your service or products.

Setting achievable telemarketing objectives that can demonstrate a true return on your investment is important to retain focus on everyone involved in the process. You also need to know what targets you have set and how you are going to measure and evaluate the results.


Do not use scripts – Your salespeople should never be reading from the script directly – they should use it as a guide, that’s all. It is important to put in writing what the Unique Selling Points (USPs) of your company are. How are you different from your competitors? You can also include in this write-up or telemarketing script what you will be offering your prospects. If you can offer something of value for free, your prospects are more likely to show an interest.

With regards to scripts, most of the time they do not provide enough focus in the flow for agents to easily channel from the “introduction” to “post-close” call phases. It is important that the person, who will carry out the calls, understands how your company adds value to your customers. At the same time, they need to feel confident to speak on the phone and sound professional with a good speaking voice, pace and tone.

If you work with a team, it is worthwhile to hold training sessions, including role-playing, and to practice outbound calls to allow your employees to get to know the script inside out. There should always be room to deviate and improvise from the basic outline of the conversation, your operatives need the flexibility to react to what’s happening in the moment and not get hung up on following a strict script.


Time keeping – It is important to know how much time you spend on your telemarketing campaign. In some cases, it is worth measuring hours or days per appointment. Figure out how many calls you need to make and over what period in order to get the results you are looking to achieve.  Estimate how many calls you can complete in an hour — then you’ll have a basic estimate on the number of calls and hours you’ll need.  Remember that it’s tough to get decision makers on the phone.  Depending on the campaign and what you are trying to achieve, a good rep may only have a handful of quality conversations per day.  All other calls, will either be companies who are not interested, those who need a call back because the right person is not available, or those who ask to receive an email before continuing any conversation over the phone.


Evaluation –  Monitoring your campaign response is extremely important to determine the effectiveness of your telemarketing campaigns. Set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and measure your performance against them. Don’t just wait until the end of your campaign to do an evaluation. A weekly evaluation or progress meeting is a great idea. It gives you an opportunity to speak with staff, check on targets and identify where there may be a need for change. Use reports to consistently evaluate progress and improve your telemarketing campaigns.


Follow up – Keep a schedule for follow-up calls. Being persistent and consistent is important. When you agree to call back at a later date, then make sure you make a note of this and stay on top of it. The easiest way to manage this, is having a CRM system in place. In addition, don’t give up after the first No. You don’t want to be annoying and keep on calling too often, but it is fine to call contact data that didn’t show any interest again after 6 or 12 months. By that time there may have been a change in personnel or a change in the company’s needs.

You need to work the process and give it time to deliver. If you do, you will see the results in terms of momentum in your business and sales growth.


Get someone to do the legwork for you. Why not engage a company to manage your Lead Generation Campaigns for you? Getting a specialized telemarketing company involved in doing the volume of the calls for your business, can improve moral and conversion of leads within your business. At eDivert, we specialise in for B2B. Please click here to find out more. Our team of talented telemarketers are fully trainedtelemarketing to make the best out of every call. Need to boost your sales? Contact us today for further details on: 01628 637 900 or e-mail us on