Telemarketing and Email Marketing

Business to Business Telemarketing and Email Marketing

What does the decision making process look like for your customers and why B2B Telemarketing and Email Marketing play an important role in that process

The different phases a prospect goes through are in B2B Marketing identified as follows:

Many business owners and suppliers, who start an email marketing or telemarketing campaign expect that leads generated through these campaigns are more or less ready to buy. This is often not the case.

However, this is not something to worry about. Telemarketing and email marketing are very different tools from for example advertising in a magazine or on a billboard along the motorway. These latter methods are methods to raise awareness of your brand. They often generate very few leads, but the leads they generate are often people who are ready to buy. These leads probably had already heard about your company elsewhere, went online to find out more about you or heard about you from a trusted source. They did their own due diligence in their own time in the background, before contacting you.

With telemarketing and email marketing the approach is very different. You are now contacting people who probably haven’t heard about you before. This means that during the first call they are just being made aware of your company. There is still a lot of trust and interest to be created, before these leads will be ready to buy.

These prospects are on a journey to familiarise themselves with your company and this journey takes time.

It’s important to recognise where the prospect is in their journey, otherwise as a supplier you will be on a very different wavelength in the conversation compared to your prospect.

Before the prospect is ready to buy, he or she would like to find out the following:

  • Can I trust you?
  • Will you either solve a problem I have? Or do you offer additional value to my company?
  • Will I receive value for money?

The above Sales Funnel shows that just because a prospect is showing a level of interest, this does not mean necessarily that they are ready to buy yet. As a supplier it is important to provide sufficient information for the prospect to not just understand what you do, but to also understand how this can add value to their business.

Some examples of tools that can be used for your B2B Marketing Campaigns that will help your prospects through their journey from Awareness to Interest and to Desire to Buy:

At eDivert we recognise that your prospects need to be taken through this. Our Telemarketing and Email Marketing Campaigns are based on the above principles. We happily work with you to integrate our campaigns with what you already have in place and with what you are already doing. 

It is important to understand that the most successful telemarketing and email marketing campaigns consist of a combination of these tools; the supplier will need a strategy in place to ensure the follow up and taking the prospects through the decision-making journey is happening in a pro-active way.

We are happy to discuss in more detail how our campaigns can work in conjunction with your existing tools and strategies to ensure maximum results.

The Importance of Quality Contact Data:

Without high-quality data, you can’t create successful marketing campaigns that will help you to win more sales. Instead, you expend time and resources walking the wrong paths. For instance, you’re setting yourself up for failure if you’re attempting to connect with someone that has no interest in your product or service; or if you’re trying to contact data that is old.

All our campaigns include quality contact data from one of our TOP-RATED data providers. To ensure that we are targeting the right businesses to achieve the objectives of your campaign, you will be taken through a Target Market Analysis during the initial Strategy Meeting.

We recommend that data for any campaign is completely fresh. Data that has been purchased in the past 3 months gives the best results.

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