
Our Administrative Expertise

How We Have Helped Businesses Manage Their Workload

Audio Transcription:

We transcribe a wide range of audio recordings across many industries. Our audio transcription service is used for dictations, focus groups, interviews, polls, media presentations, speaker events across to research and proceedings. Clients include individuals, journalists, academics, professionals, finance institutes, emerging technologies, pharmaceuticals, government departments, police services and many more.

One recent project we worked on involved transcription of a set of interviews that were held with businesses that pitched for a large project.

The company looking to hire a supplier had used an external consultant to interview the different contenders. As the interviews were recorded, the company was interested to receive these in written format, so they could look through the text more easily to make the right decision.

With a tight deadline, the eDivert team made sure that all interviews were transcribed fully by the dates agreed on.

Market Research:

On a regular basis, we provide market research services to a leading surveying company in the UK, that specialises in the elderly care market.

Part of our work includes making calls to care providers in the UK to find out about their operation.

While the company in question found it difficult to motivate their staff to make the large volume of calls that is required for their analytics and reporting, at eDivert we were able to put a consistent team together that carries this work out every time the client requires it.

We have worked together with the customer to:

  • Put a list together of the different data points that need to be included in every conversation
  • Put a script together that’s easy to follow by the team, but at the same time gives room for flexibility, so the conversation flows naturally
  • Put a reporting system in place, to ensure the customer receives regular updates on progress and can access the quality of the work at their convenience

Live Chat Services for a car hire company

4×4 Vehicle Hire Ltd was looking for a contact centre that could provide a live chat answering service to convert the visitors to their website into actual customers.


4×4 Vehicle Hire are a leading UK-based car rental company, offering a nationwide hire service. Their fleet offers a choice of 4 wheel drive cars suitable for every need, although they specialise in Land Rover and Range Rover hire

Through their network of local franchises they offer delivery of their hire cars anywhere in mainland UK. They also offer delivery and collection at the airports. Gatwick, Heathrow, Stansted & Luton, Newcastle, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Belfast and Manchester airports are all within easy reach of their local branches.

To 4×4 Vehicle Hire Ltd quality customer service is extremely important. Recently they were voted the UK’s favourite 4×4 hire company by their customers on the FreeIndex. Their company was rated 4.6 stars by 53 genuine customers.

However, always looking to develop the service to their customers further and open to new technologies, 4×4 Vehicle Hire identified new opportunities to improve their customer service.


4×4 Vehicle Hire’s website had been up and running for many years. Over the years, the company had improved the lay-out, the content and the user-friendliness of the website. Their ongoing goal was to make sure the website was not only informative and helpful to its visitors, but would also generate opportunities for the company to capture the details of their prospective customers.

As part of this exercise, 4×4 Vehicle Hire initially implemented a range of tools on the website that would help them get the most out of their website and increase sales. These tools included:

  • Putting the phone number on the website in a prominent place, to make it easily accessible for visitors to call.
  • Offer a free quotation form on the website, where visitors can insert their personal details in return for a free estimate of their hire requirements.
  • Access to a list of frequently asked questions to help answer website visitors’ most common questions.

The above tools were supplemented with ongoing optimisation of the website and paid online advertising. From the analytics of the advertising 4×4 Vehicle Hire could see that their efforts had definitely increased the number of visitors to their website. This had also resulted in more enquiries, but they felt that on many occasions people would not go as far as picking up the phone or filling their details in on the free quotation form. They asked their web developer what they could do to get an insight in the visitors who were not contacting them. This was the moment where their website developer introduced them to eDivert to talk about their Managed Live Chat Solution.


eDivert ran a trial for 4×4 Vehicle Hire for a month, to get an idea of the number of visitors that would use the Live Chat Answering Service on their website to seek contact. As part of this set-up, eDivert visited 4×4 Vehicle Hire at their head office. At this meeting, the following was discussed:

  1. Company requirements for Managed Live Chat
  2. Basic understanding of what the company does, how processes work, who is in charge of what and so on
  3. Expected frequently asked questions and answers, for the Live Chat Answering Team


  1. With regards to the company requirements, 4×4 Vehicle Hire was mainly looking to use the Live Chat Answering Service to answer basic questions of prospective customers, as well as gather details of hire requirements and contact details. It was agreed that eDivert would forward any chats containing contact details on to the relevant person at 4×4 Vehicle Hire, immediately after the chat, so that 4×4 Vehicle could follow up.
  2. eDivert then asked for more details about the company, including contact details for the different locations of 4×4 Vehicle Hire, the vehicles they rent out, their vehicle hire rates and basic terms and conditions. A profile was created that eDivert uploaded onto their system and that all agents who Answer Live Chat have access to. Upon return of the meeting, a small dedicated team of Live Chat Agents for this particular account, were briefed and trained on the company’s requirements.
  3. As part of the training, all staff involved in answering Live Chats, were made familiar with the list of frequently asked questions and where to access information about 4×4 Vehicle Hire’s account. They were also informed that if they did not know the answer to a question, to take contact details of the website visitor, so 4×4 Vehicle Hire could follow up directly. In addition, the Live Chat Answering team at eDivert continue to gather new information about 4×4 Vehicle Hire and update the frequently asked questions, to ensure the customer service they provide to prospects continues to be of a high quality. 


eDivert has been working with 4×4 Vehicle Hire since 2014, starting off with answering approximately 50 live chats a month. In 80% of the live chats answered, the eDivert Live Chat Answering Team are able to capture a concrete enquiry, including full contact details.

4×4 Vehicle Hire estimates that about 50% of these enquirers would not have picked up the phone or filled in their online form. Which means that without the Live Chat Answering Service, these enquiries would have been lost.

eDivert provide live chat answering services to businesses throughout the UK, with offices covering Chichester, Ipswich, Birmingham, Kent, Coventry, Liverpool, Wigan, London, Newham, Nuneaton, Maidstone, Folkestone, Bognor Regis, Lichfield, High Wycome, Maidenhead, Reading, Swindon, Gloucester and Cheltenham.

eDivert’s live chat answering service fits in really well with our ethos to provide excellent customer service. It has increased the capture of contact details of our website visitors by at least 20% and as a result increased our sales.

Riaz, MD of 4×4 Vehicle Hire UK Ltd

Telemarketing and Email Marketing

Business to Business Telemarketing and Email Marketing

What does the decision making process look like for your customers and why B2B Telemarketing and Email Marketing play an important role in that process

The different phases a prospect goes through are in B2B Marketing identified as follows:

Many business owners and suppliers, who start an email marketing or telemarketing campaign expect that leads generated through these campaigns are more or less ready to buy. This is often not the case.

However, this is not something to worry about. Telemarketing and email marketing are very different tools from for example advertising in a magazine or on a billboard along the motorway. These latter methods are methods to raise awareness of your brand. They often generate very few leads, but the leads they generate are often people who are ready to buy. These leads probably had already heard about your company elsewhere, went online to find out more about you or heard about you from a trusted source. They did their own due diligence in their own time in the background, before contacting you.

With telemarketing and email marketing the approach is very different. You are now contacting people who probably haven’t heard about you before. This means that during the first call they are just being made aware of your company. There is still a lot of trust and interest to be created, before these leads will be ready to buy.

These prospects are on a journey to familiarise themselves with your company and this journey takes time.

It’s important to recognise where the prospect is in their journey, otherwise as a supplier you will be on a very different wavelength in the conversation compared to your prospect.

Before the prospect is ready to buy, he or she would like to find out the following:

  • Can I trust you?
  • Will you either solve a problem I have? Or do you offer additional value to my company?
  • Will I receive value for money?

The above Sales Funnel shows that just because a prospect is showing a level of interest, this does not mean necessarily that they are ready to buy yet. As a supplier it is important to provide sufficient information for the prospect to not just understand what you do, but to also understand how this can add value to their business.

Some examples of tools that can be used for your B2B Marketing Campaigns that will help your prospects through their journey from Awareness to Interest and to Desire to Buy:

At eDivert we recognise that your prospects need to be taken through this. Our Telemarketing and Email Marketing Campaigns are based on the above principles. We happily work with you to integrate our campaigns with what you already have in place and with what you are already doing. 

It is important to understand that the most successful telemarketing and email marketing campaigns consist of a combination of these tools; the supplier will need a strategy in place to ensure the follow up and taking the prospects through the decision-making journey is happening in a pro-active way.

We are happy to discuss in more detail how our campaigns can work in conjunction with your existing tools and strategies to ensure maximum results.

The Importance of Quality Contact Data:

Without high-quality data, you can’t create successful marketing campaigns that will help you to win more sales. Instead, you expend time and resources walking the wrong paths. For instance, you’re setting yourself up for failure if you’re attempting to connect with someone that has no interest in your product or service; or if you’re trying to contact data that is old.

All our campaigns include quality contact data from one of our TOP-RATED data providers. To ensure that we are targeting the right businesses to achieve the objectives of your campaign, you will be taken through a Target Market Analysis during the initial Strategy Meeting.

We recommend that data for any campaign is completely fresh. Data that has been purchased in the past 3 months gives the best results.